Semester : SEMESTER 7
Subject : MEMS
Year : 2020
Scheme : 2015 Full Time
Course Code : EC 465
F 10000EC465122001 Pages: 2
Reg No.: Name:
Seventh Semester B.Tech Degree Examination (Regular and Supplementary), December 2020
Course Code: EC465
Course Name: MEMS
Max. Marks: 100 Duration: 3 Hours
Answer any two full questions, each carries 15 marks. Marks
1 a) Describe the basic building blocks of MEMS with neat diagrams. (8)
b) Determine the moment of inertia for a beam under longitudinal strain and also (7)
find Flexural formula.
2 a) Explain the operating principle of Micro pump with suitable schematics. (7)
b) Explain the working principle of Piezoelectric Sensors and Actuators with one (8)
3 ஐ Identify the relation between tensile stress and strain in terms of compliance (8)
matrix with the help of stress strain diagram.
b) State the reasons for intrinsic stress in thin film materials under room temperature (7)
.Also explain the different methods for stress compensation.
Answer any two full questions, each carries 15 marks.
4 a) Explain Trimmer Force Scaling Vector. Use scaling laws to estimate the changes (8)
in acceleration, time to actuate a MEMS component if its weight is reduced by a
factor of 10.
b) Explain CZ method to produce single crystal Silicon with neat sketches. (7)
5 a) With reference to scaling of electrostatic forces, derive the expressions for (7)
Electrostatic potential energy and force.
b) Discuss different types of materials used in MEMS system. (8)
6 a) Explain the scaling in heat conducting and heat convection methods. (7)
b) Explain the oxide growth process in Silicon with relevant figures. (8)
Answer any two full questions, each carries 20 marks.
7 a) Explain with figure the Deep Reactive Ion Etching and Plasma etching processes. (10)
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