Semester : SEMESTER 6
Subject : Embedded System
Year : 2018
Term : MARCH
Scheme : 2015 Full Time
Course Code : EC 308
14.3.5 Logic Analyser
After using the simulator, ICE and debug codes
troubleshooting hardware diagnostic too] that reco
of other states. Logic analyzer can be used in any
ic analyser is a power tool to collec ⋅∙
ക) many bus transactions (ध 9 مسا 09 हक 26 ೧೯೩) from the buses port
real-time triggering conditions. It helps in sequentially 7 ays these on the monitor (screen) to 0९0५६
6 ۶ g the signals ६५ the instructions execute witt
respect to ೩. reference. One of the bus signal or clock signal is taken as the reference ன க
A logic analyser can رازیب debug small-level embedded system. It is a more powerful wol than the scope
Scope views and checks only two signal lines. A logic analyser is a 0೦೪೫7] software too! for checians
multiple lines carrying the address data and control bits and the clock. The analyser recognizes only discret:
voltage conditions, गः and *0'. ⋅↼⋅∙⋅ ∙
In the first mode, the analyser collects the logic states as a function of time and stores these in memory anc
displays on screen. It tracks the multiple signals simultaneously and successively. There are multiple input
lines (24 or 48 or more). We connect the lines from the system and JO buses, ports and peripherals. It coliects
simultaneously for the duration of the many bus transactions (about 128 or more). It later displays, using this
tool, each transaction on each of these on the computer monitor (screen). It also prints the displayed results
The phase differences in each input 1170 also give important clues. It debugs the real-time triggering conditions.
It helps in finding the bus signals and port signal status sequentially as the instructions are executed. A + ariant
of the logic analyser also provides the analog measurement when needed.
inR ⋅
ite ட In the last stage of debugging, we muy use :
٠ Me state (1) as a function of time and (ii) as a functiot
of these two modes,