Semester : SEMESTER 1
Subject : VLSI Technology and Design
Year : 2021
Term : APRIL
Scheme : 2015 Full Time
Course Code : 01 EC 6603
Give the models of atomic diffusion mechanisms in solids. Derive Fick’s (4.5 marks)
204 law of diffusion.
Explain the two methods by which dynamic power dissipation occurs in (2.5 marks)
CMOS circuits.
Give the significance of below process in Ion Implantaion. (4.5 marks)
i)lon Stopping __ ii)Channeling
What is pseudo NMOS logic? Implement the following: (4.5 marks)
i) 4 input pseudo NMOS NOR gate
11) 4 input pseudo NMOS NAND gate
What is Bistability principle? Give the transistor level implementation of (6 marks)
a CMOS clocked SR flip-flop and explain its working.
Give short notes on the following: (6 marks)
i)Fringing Capacitance _ ii)Skin Effect
With an example, explain how you will implement a monostable (6 marks)
sequential circuit.
Give the basic Rules in Stick diagram. Draw the Circuit diagram and its (6 marks)
Stick diagram of 2 input Depletion mode NMOS NOR Gate.
Implement a 6 transistor CMOS SRAM cell. Explain its Read and Write (6 marks)
Give the significance of MOSFET scaling. Briefly explain Constant Field (6 marks)
scaling used in MOSFET.