Semester : S1 and S2
Year : 2021
Term : MAY
Scheme : 2015 Full Time
Course Code : BE 103
and consideration of sustainable energy performance indicators in the environmental evaluation
and any green implementations. In this regard, the building energy efficiency, the thermal
performance of buildings and the material efficiency are considered as significant parameters of
sustainable energy performance indicators to be fully taken into consideration during the
performance evaluations. According to the study by Joelson , with view to the effectiveness of
green buildings towards decreasing the use of energy and its negative impacts on the
environment, there are fundamental strategies including ‘reducing the energy demands’,
‘enhanced energy efficiency’ and ‘application of passive design techniques’. Likewise, the
utilization of appropriate building envelopes is influential in more than half of the embodied
energy distribution in a building, particularly in residential buildings.
Module IV
12 a) Explain how green buildings can reduce energy use and solid waste. (3)
b) How Government can support its citizen to promote green building concept? (3)
c) Illustrate some renewable energy applications in a green building. (4)
Stories/Cases/Data set - 5
(Stories/Cases/Data set)
In the green energy initiative, Tamil Nadu is a leader among all states. TANGEDCO/TNEB
harnessed 13,000 million units of wind energy and 2,905 million units of solar energy in 2017-
18. Tamil Nadu is the only state to have used so much of green energy last year, thereby saving
not less than 5,406 million tonnes of carbon on this account. They proposed to enhance wind
power capacity to the total capacity of 9500 MW by the end of 2018. This act had lowered the
power purchase as well. Besides this, old transformers across state have been upgraded or set up
newly, improving power quality.
Module V
13 a) What are the different alternate sources of energy that Kerala can opt for? (5)
What drawbacks we can expect in depending on wind energy alone for a state?
b) How the green energy initiative from Tamil Nadu can improve the quality of (5)
environment to ensure a cleaner and safer energy?
Stories/Cases/Data set - 6
(Stories/Cases/Data set)
At least 300 million of India’s 1.25 billion people live without electricity. Another quarter-billion
or so get only spotty power. The lack of power affects rural and urban areas alike, limiting efforts
to advance both living standards and the country’s manufacturing sector. Prime Minister of India
has made universal access to electricity a key part of the administration’s ambitions. India has
promised to increase its renewable-energy capacity to 175 gigawatts, including 100 gigawatts of
solar, by 2022. (That’s about the total power generation capacity of Germany.) At the same time,
India has pledged to help lead international efforts to limit the ill effects of climate change. And
this is India’s energy dilemma.
Already the world’s third-largest emitter of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, India is
attempting to do something no nation has ever done: build a modern industrialized economy, and
bring light and power to its entire population, without dramatically increasing carbon emissions.
Simply to keep up with rising demand for electricity, it must add around 15 gigawatts each year
over the next 30 years. The country now gets most of its electricity from aging, dirty coal-fired
plants. By 2050, India will have roughly 20 percent of the world’s population. If people of India
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