Semester : SEMESTER 4
Subject : Computer Organization
Year : 2017
Term : JUNE
Scheme : 2015 Full Time
Course Code : EC 206
B4D381 Pages: 2
(b) What is micro architecture? List the state elements of MIPS processor and their
functions. (5)
(c) Write a short note on performance analysis of computer systems. (2.5)
5. (a) With an illustration, briefly explain MIPS memory map. (5)
(b) With a suitable diagram, explain the steps involved in executing a high level
language program. (6)
(c) With an example, briefly explain pseudo instructions in MIPS. (4)
6. (a) Differentiate between the three micro architectures for MIPS processor
architecture. (3)
(b) Derive the simplified expression for cycle time in a single cycle MIPS processor.
If the cycle time in a single cycle processor is 1000 ps, compute the total execution
time (in seconds) for a program with 10 lakh instructions. (7)
(c) List the three main weaknesses of a single cycle processor. How are they
eliminated in a multi cycle processor? (5)
Question No. 7 is compulsory. Answer either Question No. 8 or Question No. 9.
7. (a) With the help of a diagram, explain the concept of memory hierarchy. (4)
(b) Write short notes on (i) SCSI (ii) USB (6)
(c) With a diagram, explain address translation in virtual memory. (7)
(d) Differentiate between the two different write policies in cache memory. (3)
8. (a) Explain in detail, the different modes of data transfer between the
processor/memory and I/O devices in a computer system. (10)
(b) What is a port? Differentiate between serial and parallel ports. (4)
(c) With a circuit diagram, explain the working of a DRAM cell. (6)
9. (a) Briefly explain the concept of cache memory. What is hit rate? (3)
(b) Discuss in detail, any two mapping methods in cache memory. (12)
(c) Write short notes on (i) Replacement algorithms (ii) TLB (5)
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