Semester : SEMESTER 2
Subject : Design of Pressure Vessels and Piping
Year : 2018
Term : MAY
Scheme : 2015 Full Time
Course Code : 01 ME 6104
5) Design a tall vessel for the following conditions:
Inside diameter = 2.5m, Outside diameter including insulation thickness; 3m, Height of the vessel =
30m, distance from base to bottom shell joint -1m, Internal pressure = 30Kg/cm2, wind load = 0.1kg/
cm2, Allowable stress of the material 1501/03. An eccentric load of 500Kg is acting at a distance of
4.5m from the center of the vessel. The vessel is fully radiographed.
6) ൧ horizontal vessel with elliptical 2:1 cover and two saddles has the following specifications.
Length=20m, Total weight: 100000 kg, outside 2m., internal pressure: 15k&/crn 2 * thickness of
shell=3cm, allowable stress=350MPa, contact angle = 150°, Distance from end of the cover to saddle
1.5m, width of saddle 0.75m. Find the longitudinal bending stress and circumferential stress at the
saddle and tangential shear stresses?
Part C
7) Derive the equation for finding the critical pressure of a thin vessel under external pressure.
Hence arrive at the ASME external pressure design equations? (12)
8) 9) Write down the ASME equation for the pipe thickness calculation and explain each term
associated with it? (4) b) Explain the following terms
1) Block flow diagram, 2) process flow diagram, 3) piping and instrumentation diagram. (8)
9) a) Sketch neatly four common flange facings? What is the application of each type of 1301೧876)
b) Explain the following terms
1) Allowable stress range, 2) Displacement stress range, 3) Stress intensification factor, 4) Stress range
reduction factor (6)