Semester : SEMESTER 6
Subject : Embedded System
Year : 2018
Term : MARCH
Scheme : 2015 Full Time
Course Code : EC 308
ae memory blocks at a memory addre
1. ೫೫೫೫೫8 − ⋅ ⋅∙ ⇊⋅∣⋮⋯⊾−∏⋯∘≤∥∁⋯∙⋂⊑∖⋅↿≖⋅↿∁∸∎ ∙
"PE numBlocks, MEMTYPE blockSize. unsigned byte *memEm) is an स ا ہے ಕಾಟ ಕಾ,
vega with چو 9 tion, Which partitions
y from an address Paruttons in the blocks. The cre ini ing of the iti
2 7 bales the OS ةجو عد ಮುಂಬ ೮೭೩೦೦೧ and ininalizing of the memory partitions
: The function *OS\ 3 ⊽−
മമ. if ee created, the hates سس Nt LL سس ത്ത
Task parameters passing PI: MEMTYPE is the data type according to the memory, whether 16-bit or 32-bit
CPU memory addresses are there. For example. 16-bit in 6811011 and 8051. (i) *memAddr is pointer for the
aemory-starting address of the blocks. (11) numBlocks is the number of blocks into which the memory must be
۵۵ہ ایج (must be 2 or more). (111) The blockSize is the memory size in bytes in each block. (iv) *memEnr is a
[೫೩ of the address to hold ட்ட codes. At the address *memEnr the following global error code variables
change from false to true. OS_NO_ERR = true when creation succeeds. OS_ MEM. INVALID_BLKS = true.
when at least two blocks are not passed as arguments. (५) OS_MEM_INVALID_PART= بعلم when memory
foe partition 15 not available. (vi) OS_MEM_INVALID_SIZE= true. when block size is smaller than a pointer
Example 9.14 show's the creation of four blocks of memory each block being of 1 KB. Let memory start
address be 0௩8000.
Example 9.14
1. * Definition in Pre-Processor for a 16-bit unsigned number, MEMTYPE to define number of blocks
which can be between 0 and 65535 and to define the number of bytes that store at a block. Maximum
sumber of bytes at a block can be 65535. */
typedef unsigned short MEMTYPE;
۴۔3 Codes for main function or for a task function */
4.F Codes for creating the blocks of memory*/
MemAddr = 0x8000:
மிட =4;
9௦00௨ = 1024; /* Each block is of 11:48 memory */
(*memAddr, numBlocks, blockSize, *memErr):
5./* Other Codes for the function. */
17 End of the function */
Function void *OSMemGet (OS_MEM *memCBPointer,
2. Gettin memory ⋅
ting a memory block at a + address + block from the partitions created earlier.
1 اد ९4 ஆ می 5 سم مو a pointer to the memory control block for the partitions.
ध ज for the control block of a memory partition.
Sk parameters passing PJ: (1) Passes 3 pointer as argument
(iv) ∙ ⋅∙⋯∁⋯⊟∏∞ that later it returns one of the
The OSMemGet ( ) passes the error code pointer ന +50