Semester : SEMESTER 6
Subject : Embedded System
Year : 2018
Term : MARCH
Scheme : 2015 Full Time
Course Code : EC 308
_ Data encapsulation, and
_ Design of reusable components
Object Characteristics
1. An identity (a reference to a memory block that holds its state and behavior).
2. A state (its data, property, field sand attributes).
3. A behavior (method or methods that can manipulate the state of the object). Procedure
oriented language
Procedure oriented language । A Jarge program in =C‘splits into the simpler functional
blocks and statements. =C‘ is called procedure oriented language.
Object Oriented Language Characteristics
* A large program in objected oriented language C++ or Java, splits into the logical groups
(also known as classes).
٠ Each class defines the data and functions (methods) of using data.
٠ Each class can inherit another class element.
٠ A set of these groups (classes) then gives an application program of the Embedded
٠ Each group has internal user-level fields for data and has methods of processing that data
at these fields
* Each group can then create many objects by copying the group and making it functional.
* Each object is functional. Each object can interact with other objects to process the user's
* The language provides for formation of classes by the definition of a group of objects
having similar attributes and common behavior. A class creates the objects. An object is