Semester : S1 and S2
Year : 2017
Scheme : 2015 Full Time
Course Code : BE 103
E B1E003
Module 2
Q 10
a) List any two harmful effects of air pollution on human health. (2)
b) List any two possible impacts of diesel vehicles during the usage stage (2)
c) Suggest two methods to reduce the adverse impacts of diesel vehicle during utilisation
d) There is a sudden decision to remove all vehicles from the road that fails to meet
specified norms within a specified time period. As part of citizen forum you are requested
to give views on the enforced regulation. State your views on this and justify your answer
with not less than two points. (4)
Module 3
Q11 Write the LCA of shoes made of Leather. (10)
Case 3
Green buildings represent the response of the building sector to the need to minimize negative
environmental, social, and economical impacts in the building sector. Through using green
building practices, it is possible to work toward the aim of meeting the needs and aspirations of
today without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. To
achieve a green building, green design and construction strategies should be incorporated at the
planning stage to the demolition phase of the building. A green building relies upon a fully
integrated “whole building” approach that covers the entire phase of building cycle including
design, construction, operation, and demolition . Multiple studies have demonstrated how green
buildings that incorporate green building practices offer benefits. For example, they can help
mitigate building issues and problems, including environmental problems associated with
existing buildings, and also provide healthier indoor environments to building users.
Module 4
Q 12
a) How a green building differs from a conventional building. Compare in any five aspects.
b) Explain any three criteria for material selection for sustainable design of buildings. (3)
c) List any two green building certifications systems in India. (2)
Case 4
The development of infrastructure is an important factor to sustain economic growth. The power
sector is one of the most important constituents of infrastructure. The achievement of energy
security necessitates diversification of our energy resources and the sources of their supply, as
well as measures for conservation of energy. So far, we were dependent on conventional sources
of energy like thermal, hydro (large hydro) and nuclear. The impact of the energy crisis is
particularly felt in developing countries like India, where an ever-increasing percentage of
national budgets earmarked for development must be diverted to the purchase of petroleum
products. After independence large hydroelectric projects have been executed, some of them are
still under construction and some have been planned for future. For nuclear power plants also
there is a problem of getting proper fuel, processing and safety from radiations. In addition,
global warming caused largely by greenhouse gas emission from fossil fuel generating systems is
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