Semester : SEMESTER 4
Subject : Material Science
Year : 2017
Term : JUNE
Scheme : 2015 Full Time
Course Code : EE 206
B4D394 Pages: 2
13. Explain the phenomenon treeing and tracking in solid insulating materials under
Electrical stress. How this leads to breakdown? (10)
14. a. Write notes on hard and soft magnetic materials specifying examples and
applications. (5)
b. Write about the origin of magnetic dipoles. (5)
Answer any 2 questions. Each question carries 10 marks.
15. a. What do you mean by superconductivity? Explain the application and properties.
b. What are the materials commonly used for making solar cells? (3)
16. Write notes on a) optical microscopy and b) Electron microscopy. (10)
17. a. Explain various bio materials used in medicine. (6)
โ.ุงโ What are nano materials? Give two applications. (4)
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