Semester : SEMESTER 6
Subject : Embedded System
Year : 2018
Term : APRIL
Scheme : 2015 Full Time
Course Code : EC 308
D6802 Pages: 2
Answer any two full questions, each carries 20 marks.
Give the structure of a process control block (PCB) and explain each block.
Discuss the major functions of a Kernel.
Explain the Earliest deadline first scheduling for process management in RTOS.
Explain the concept mailbox and message queue used in IPC.
Explain about the memory allocation related functions in Micro C/OS-II.
Discuss the circumstances which lead to priority inversion in RTOS. How can it
be resolved?
What is meant by critical section of a task? How it can be run by RTOS?
Write a short note on popular real-time operating systems.
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