Semester : SEMESTER 1
Subject : Computer Fundamentals & HTML
Year : 2015
Scheme : 2020 Full Time
Course Code : BCS 1B 01
2 D 92845
13 .Compare static and automatic variables.
14 Which are the different types of user defined functions ?
15 Write a problem to find the factorial of a number.
(5 x 2 = 10 marks)
Answer any five questions :—
16 Explain the input and output statements used in 0.
17 Write a program to check whether a number is palindrome or not.
18 With an example explain how will you declare and initialize two dimensional arrays ?
19 Explain the concept of call by value and call by reference with suitable example.
20 Write a program to read the age of n persons and count the number of persons in the age
group 50 to 60 using for and continue statements.
21 Write a program to find the biggest element in an array of elements using function.
22 Differentiate between structure and union with suitable examples.
23 Write a program to display the prime numbers in a list of numbers.
(5 x 8 = 40 marks)
Answer any five questions :
24 What are constants ? Explain the four basic types of constants with suitable examples.
25 Explan the following :-
(a) Precedence and associativity.
(b) Arrays of structures.
(c) Multidimentional arrays.
26 What are pointer expressions ? Write a program using pointers to compute the sum of all
elements stored in an array.
27 (a) Write a program to read a line of text and output the number of words and characters.
(b) Write a program to find prime numbers between 50 and 500.
28. (a) Write the syntactic rule associated with the ‘for’ statement.
(b) Write a loop that will examine each character in a character type array and determine
how many characters are vowels and how many are consonants.
29 Explain the general format of fseek function ? Write a program to copy the content of one file
into another.
30 Write a function using pointers to add two matrices and to return the resultant matrix to the
calling function. :
31 What are sequential files ? Explain file handling functions with suitable examples.
(5 x 8 = 40 marks)