Semester : SEMESTER 2
Subject : Mechanics II
Year : 2018
Term : MAY
Branch : PHYSICS
Scheme : 2020 Full Time
Course Code : PHY 2B 02
D 43195
A body having a mass of 4 g. execute The force acting on the body, when
8 simple harmonic motion,
displacement is 8 em.
, 15 24 gm. wt. Find the Period.
A particle of mass 10 g. lies in a potential field V = 2
oscillation. P eld 50 x* + 100 ergs/gm. Deduce the frequency of
The frequency of the fourth harmonic in a stretched string of len
the velocity of the wave in the string ?
If the intensity of sound wave is increased by a factor of 20
i » by how many decibels is the sound
level increased.
(4 x 4 = 16 marks)
Section E
Answer any two questions.
Each question carries 10 marks.
Obtain an expression for couple per unit twist of a wire. Explain how the rigidity modulus of a
wire can be determined using a torsion pendulum.
Deduce the equation for the simple harmonic motion of a particle. Show that the resultant of two
simple harmonic motions having the same period but different phase and amplitude are acting in
the same direction on a particle is simple harmonic. What are the uses of Lissajous figures ?
Derive an expression for a plane progressive harmonic wave. Derive the expression for energy
density and energy current for such a wave.
What are ultrasonic waves ? Explain the production of ultrasonic wave by piezoelectric crystal
method. What are the applications of ultrasonic waves ?
(2 x 10 = 20 marks)