Semester : SEMESTER 3
Subject : Perspectives on Colonialism in India
Year : 2022
Term : APRIL
Branch : HISTORY
Scheme : 2019 Full Time
Course Code : HIS 3C 01
3 C 21385-A
Direct Action Day hartal called by the Muslim League on 16th August لب to get rid of
‘British slavery and contemplated future caste-Hindu domination’.
(A) 1926. (B) 1935.
(C) 1938. (D) 1946.
The essential nature of God is described by Gandhi by the phrase :
(A) Sarveswaran. (B) Svarupan.
(C) Satchidananda. (10) Iswara.
The Guajarati translation of the ‘Unto this Last’ is called :
(A) Harijan. (8) Sarvodya.
(C) Navajeevan. (D) Swadesi.
According to Gandhi ‘service of the poor is the :
(A) Service of society. (B) Service of humanity.
(C) Service of God. (D) Service of the society.
Since its inauguration on 26th January ———,, the Constitution India has been successfully
guiding the path and progress of India.
(A) 1905. (B) 1915.
(C) 1930. (D) 1950.
The Constitution of India indeed much bigger than the US Constitution which has only 7 Articles
and the ——————— Constitution with its 89 Articles.
(A) French. (B) Dutch.
(C) Pakistan. (D) Afghanistan.
India has an elected head of state (President of India) who wields power for a fixed term of
(A) 2. (B) 3.
(0) 4. (D) 5.
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