Semester : SEMESTER 6
Subject : Comprehensive Exam
Year : 2019
Term : MAY
Scheme : 2015 Full Time
Course Code : EC 352
11111 Pages: 4
Which is the incorrect expression
a) Grad Div (b) Div Curl c) Grad Curl (d) Curl Grad
The range of signed decimal numbers that can be represented by 6-bits 1’scomplement number is
३) -31 to+31 (0) -63 to +63 ८) -64 10 +63 (9) -32 to +32
A digital system is required to amplify a binary-encoded audio signal. The user should be able to control the gain
of the amplifier from minimum to ೩ maximum in! 00 increment. The minimum number of bits required to encode,
in straight binary, is
a) 8 (b) 6 ८) 5 d) 7
Choose the correct one from among the alternatives a, b, c, d after matching an item from Group Ito the most
appropriate item in Group 2.
Group |: Group 2:
P. Shift register 1. Frequency division
Q. Counter 2. Addressing in memory chips
R. Decoder 3. Serial to parallel data conversion
a) ?-3, 0-2, २ -1 (b) P-3,Q-1,R-2 ०) P-2,Q-1,R-3 (d) P-1l,Q-2,R-2
A 4 bit ripple counter and synchronous counter are made using flip flops having a propagation delay of 10 ns
each. If the worst case delay in the ripple counter and the synchronous counter be R and S respectively, then
a) R=10ns, (0) R=40ns, ८) R=10ns (6) R=30ns,
S=40 ns S=10ns S=30ns S=10ns
What is the modulus of 3-bit Ring counter?
a) 3 b) 8 c) 6 d) None of the above
Two states are said to be equal if they have exactly same
a) inputs (b) Next state c) Output (५) Bothaandb
Which of the following is a low frequency noise?
a) Thermal noise (b) Flicker noise c) Shot noise (6) Partition noise
For AM, with 100% modulation, power in each sideband is _ ட. of that of carrier?
a) 50% (b) 70% c) 25% (d) 60%
Which of the following analog modulation scheme requires minimum transmitted power and minimum channel
a) DSB-FC (b) VSB ०) DSB-SC (d) SSB
Super heterodyne principle provides selectivity at
a) RFstage (b) IF stage c) Demodulating stage (0) Audio stage
Armstrong method is used for the generation of
a) Direct FM (b) Indirect FM ०) SSB-SC (d) DSB-SC
PSTN stands for
a) Public Switched b) Private Switched c) Primary Service d) Primary Service
Telephone Network Telephone Network Telephone Network Telephone
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