Semester : SEMESTER 6
Subject : Operations Research
Year : 2019
Term : MAY
Scheme : 2015 Full Time
Course Code : ME 372
F1200 Pages: 4
Elective 1 Elective 2 Elective 3 Elective 4
Answer any three questions. Each question carries 10 marks
A machine operator has to perform three operations, turning, threading and knurlingona_ (10)
number of different jobs. The time required to perform these operations (in minutes) on
each job is known. Find the order in which the jobs should be processed in order to
minimize the total time. Find minimal elapsed time and idle time for each machine
Job 1 [2 13 4۹ا 15]
Turning 3 12 5 2 ۹ | |11 | 1
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The three time estimate ( 17 days) for the activities of a project are as shown below (10)
Job 1-2 1-6 | 2-3 2-4 3-5 4-5 5-8 6-7 7-8
a) Draw the project network
b) Find the Critical path
c) Find the probability of project being completed in 31 days
Arrivals at a telephone booth are considered to be Poisson wth an average time of 10 (10)
minutes between one arrival and next. The length of the phone call is assumed to be
distributed exponentially with mean three minutes
a) What is the probability that a person arriving at booth will have to wait
b) What is the average length of the queue
c) The telephone department will install a second booth when convinced that an arrival
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