Semester : SEMESTER 2
Subject : Nonlinear Control Systems
Year : 2018
Term : MAY
Scheme : 2015 Full Time
Course Code : 01 EE 6104
b. Consider a non-linear system governed by the equation :
2)(2 291 +31 -- = 21
و - = 2
A candidate for Lyapunov function 15 V= Pli X1 2 + Pu X2 2 ; Pil < 0 and 1322 <0
which is a positive definite function. Check the stability for the system. Sketch
the region of stability.
a. Find the sector [0, k] for which the given transfer function is absolutely stable using
Popov Criteria.
G ع வகைகளாக
(5) (s+2)(s+3) (6)
b. Write short notes on Kalman's Conjecture. (3)
Find out a control law for the system :
= 2 sin 2
> -- -)(1 2 + ५
using feedback linearization control technique after suitable applying suitable
transformation. (12)
a. Explain stabilization via linearization. (3)
b. Apply back stepping to design a state feedback control law to globally stabilize
the origin.
=sin ப
a. Write notes on Integral control via linearization (6)
b. Write notes on Gain scheduling. (6)