Semester : SEMESTER 1
Subject : Dynamics of Linear Systems
Year : 2017
Scheme : 2015 Full Time
Course Code : 01 EE 6101
value xo =system .is — -] Bu where
5. (a) Prove that a system is completely controllable if and only if its controllability (4)
matrix is full rank.
(0) Solve .'h(t) = where (5)
w= (3 4)
6. (a) Prove that zeros of a closed loop transfer function are unaffected with a state (4) feedback
b Determine the controllable and uncontrollable modes of the system represcntcd (5)
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Also obtain the controllable sub realization of the systenl.
PART C(MOdules V and VI)
7. (a) Explain the optimality criterion for choosing observer poles. (4)
(b) Consider the system + = A.c + Bu. y Cr where, (8)
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By using state feedback control technique it is desired to have the closed loop poles
at s —1.8 + 32.4. Assume that the desired eigen values of the observer matrix arc VI
1 = --8. Design an observer-controller.
8. (a) With the help of a suitable example explain any one companion form for ۸۱۱۱۸10 (4)
(b) Explain the direct transfer function design procedure of observer-controller. (8)
9. (a) Show that in an observed state feedback control system, the observer design and (4)
the statc feedback design can be carried out, independently.
(b) Consider the system Ax + Bu, y = CT where, (8)
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Design a rcdutcd order observer so that the observer poles are at 8
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