Semester : SEMESTER 3
Subject : Advanced Instrumentation
Year : 2017
Scheme : 2015 Full Time
Course Code : 01 EE 7113
5. ره Figure below shows the boiler system that used to supply hot steam to a 4 turbine.
This system need to supply 100 psi hot steam to the turbine where the PCV-100 will be
opened when the pressure reached that desired pressure. With using pressure control
through temperature and pressure measurement in the boiler, draw a feedforward-
plus-feedback control loop system.
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0. Define PertiNet and explain it with anexample. 3
c. List few applications of smart sensors. 2
6. 2. Explain the cascade type process control loop. 2
b. Discuss in detail the WSN architecture. 7
7. 2. Draw the block diagram of virtual instrumentation and explain each block in 8
0. What are the advantages of virtual instrumentation over conventional 4
89. Whatisasub-VI? 3 0 Explain in detail the steps to create 9 sub-Vl. 6 c. Define file
1/0? 3
9. ദ. List some of the applications of virtual instrumentation. 4
b. Explain for loop and while loop with examples. 8