Semester : SEMESTER 2
Subject : Sliding Mode Control
Year : 2017
Term : MAY
Scheme : 2015 Full Time
Course Code : 01 EE 6116
(b) Consider a second order linear time invariant system sampled at an
interval T 0.1 sec given as
४२) = ( 3 1) + (1)
४८४) = ( 1 0) 2(k) u (14)
Design a stable sliding surface and obtain the discrete time sliding mode
controller. Obtain the QSMB choosing appropriate parameter values.
PART C(MOdule V and VI)
(a) Explain the design of a second order sliding mode
controller that will provide a continuous control.
(b) Prove that in an Utkin sliding mode observer, sliding
mode will take place in finite time.
(a) Explain the design technique of a sliding mode
observer. (b) Explain the design of a twisting controller.
(a) Explain the desigp df a super twisting based differentiator.
(b) Show that the sliding mode based observation in an
uncertain LTI system yields a reduced order motion during
sliding mode independent of uncertainty.
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