Course : M.Tech

Semester : SEMESTER 1

Year : 2015



Scheme : 2015 Full Time

Course Code : 01 EE 6203


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6 a) Show that the speed of sound is proportional toMT where T is temperature (4) b) An
aircraft is cruising at its assigned altitude at a Mach number of 0.85. The (5) ambient air has
a temperature of 232 °K. At a point on the upper surface of the wing. the pressure is
measured to be 20100N/m and temperature is 221 °K. The fiow over the wing is isentropic.
How much lift per square meter is generated on the upper surface at this point? What is
velocity of the airplane

Part C (Module V and VI)

7 @)What is meant by flow similarity? Explain (4) b) Write a note on Mach number
independence. (4)

c) An aircraft is cruising at a velocity of 550 miles/hour at a standard altitude of (4) 38,000 ft.
An 1/50 ** 50816 model of the aircraft is tested in a wind tunnel where the temperature
is 430 9 र. Calculate the velocity and pressure needed for the test airstream inside the
wind tunnel such that the lift and drag co-efficients measured for the wind tunnel model
are the same as for free flight . Assume the co-efficient of viscosity and the speed of
sound are proportional to the square root of the temperature.

8 a) What 15 meant by drag polar? Explain (4) 0)-1(4)

Show that the Mach angle 18 ‏سچیرا‎

c) A jet aircraft being 130001b has the line of thrust 0.5 ft below the line of drag. (4)
When flying at high speed the thrust is 4,000 1b and the center of pressure is
1.5 ft behind the center of gravity. What is the load on the tail plane which is 25 ft
behind the center ofgravity

9 a) Write a note on any three types of aerospace vehicles (6) 0) Write notes on flaps, ‏عاد‎

http: 8www.ktuonline.com (6)

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