Semester : SEMESTER 1
Subject : Advanced Digital Signal Processing
Year : 2018
Scheme : 2015 Full Time
Course Code : 01 EC 6105
a. Show the time-frequency tiling of Short Time Fourier Transform (SIFT) and Discrete 5 Wavelet
Transform (WT). Explain how wavelet transform try to overcome the limitations imposed by
Heisenberg's uncertainty principle in time frequency analysis.
0. — . Write a note on multiresolution analysis. Check whether Haar wavelet can be used for 4
multiresolution analysis.
a. Prove that the spaces spanned by scaling function bases are nested and the spaces 5 spanned by
wavelet function bases are orthogonal among themselves in Haar decomposition
0. Asignal in V2 space 15 given (7)5 [4,8,2,-6,2,4,2,6) asx(n)= 4
Perform Haar decomposition into V4,W ,Vo and Wo 080൦5.
Find the wavelet coefficients W(a,b) for the signal f(t) for )0. Use Haar 5
1ಎ (1, 055 1
0, otherwise
b. How wavelet transform can be used in the compression of image data? Show the filter 4 bank
structure for image decomposition.
a. Explain LMS algorithm for optimum design of an adaptive filter. Give proper equations 6
and derivations.
Explain Periodogram analysis for power spectrum estimation. 6
a. Explain Yule-Walker method for Power spectrum estimation. 6
b. Give the steps involved in Blackman and Tukey method of Power spectrum estimation. 6
a. Obtain the normal equations for the m-step linear predictor? 6
b. Explain how Levinson-Durbin algorithm can be used to solve the normal equations 6