Semester : SEMESTER 3
Subject : Computer Vision
Year : 2017
Scheme : 2015 Full Time
Course Code : 01 EC 7315
b. Consider estimating optical flow given two images and derive the brightness constancy
constraint. Given an initial guess for the optical flow vectors, derive a linear system
7 of equations to update the same.
6. a. Define fundamental matrix and essential matrix. 3
b. Explain triangulation and bundle adjustment in reference to structure from motion. 6
.a. Given reflectance map and a single image, explain a method to obtain surface normals corresponding to
real 3D scene that is imaged. 7
b. Explain the shape from shading problem. Explain any one method to solve this problem.
8. a. Explain how texture and focus play a role in how we perceive shape. Explain how these cues can be
used to reconstruct 3D geometry. 6
b. Mobile cameras use automated face detection. Explain any one face detection method that is currently in use.
9, a. Explain in detail the steps for pedestrian detection using histogram of oriented gradients, 6
b. Explain how Eigen faces can be used for face recognition in images. 6