Semester : S1 and S2
Year : 2016
Term : MAY
Scheme : 2015 Full Time
Course Code : EC 100
10028 2 - * ॥॥॥ ॥॥॥1॥
11. Which are the universal gates ? Why are they called so ? Realize an AND gate
using any one universal gate.
12. Draw the block diagram of a function generator and mark the output wave form
of each block.
13. Why modulation is required in communication ?
14. Define percentage of modulation in AM and describe how the modulation index
of AM wave evaluated from the waveform ?
15. Write radar range equation and specify the parameters used in the equation.
16. Why uplink frequency is different from downlink frequency in satellite
communication ?
17. What is meant by frequency reuse in cellular communication ۶
18. What are the major light sources used in optical fiber communication ?
19, Why FM preferred to AM for sound signal transmission in TV system ?
20. Describe the ನ್ features of HDTV system.
Answer any 8 Questions. Each carrying five marks each.
21. What is the basic working principle of transformer 7 List at least four different
types of transformers and its applications.
22. Draw and explain the construction of electrolytic capacitor. Write its general
specifications and applications.
23. Plot the forward and reverse characteristics of a PN diode and discuss it.
24. Compare the three transistor configurations and write the applications of each.
25. Discuss the working principle of solar cell and photo diode and differentiate
them. ⋅
26. With neat circuit diagram and waveforms explain the working of a bridge rectifier
with capacitor filter.