Semester : SEMESTER 5
Subject : Geomatics
Year : 2017
Scheme : 2015 Full Time
Course Code : CE 307
Also computer are affordable so people are using for GIS task. These task may be creating simple
map or performing advance GIS analysis. The people are main component for the successful GIS.
For successful GIS operation a well-designed plan and business operation rules are important.
Methods can vary with different organizations. Any organization has documented their process
plan for GIS operation. These document address number question about the GIS methods: number
of GIS expert required, GIS software and hardware, Process to store the data, what type of DBMS
(database management system) and more. Well designed plan will address all these question.
b) ( Explanation -1, advantages -2( any 4), disadvantages- 2marks(any 4)- total -5-(5x2=10)
Raster image store information in a cell based manner. It can be aerial photo, satellite image,
Digital Elevation Model (DEM). Raster images normally store continuous data.
Advantages of the raster model :
° A simple data structure—a matrix of cells with values, representing a coordinate, and sometimes
linked to an attribute table.
° A powerful format for intense statistical and spatial analysis.
* The ability to represent continuous surfaces and perform surface analysis.
* The ability to uniformly store points, lines, polygons, and surfaces.
* Capability to perform faster overlays (than vector datasets) with complex data.
° The same cell-based structure is used to represent all feature types; therefore, all feature types
may be treated the same. This uniform structure allows you to combine a variety of geographic
features in one geoprocessing operation (for example, query, overlay, or expression). You can
combine a surface (elevation) with area features (forestry), linear features (rivers and roads), and
point features (wells) in the same analysis.
° The ability to compress the datasets using either a lossy or lossless compression.
* Compatible with remote sensing images and all results images of spatial data scanning.
° The application software is cheaper.
Disadvantages of the raster model :
* Inherent spatial inaccuracies due to the cell-based feature representation.
* Datasets can be very large.
° Projection and transformation cooordinat is not easily.
* Difficult in representation topology connections.