Course : B.Tech

Semester : SEMESTER 6

Subject : Embedded System

Year : 2018

Term : MARCH

Scheme : 2015 Full Time

Course Code : EC 308


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5.7.2 Java Programming Advantages ९.

antages for embedded programming as follows:
‏ا‎ es a 0 starts with classes. Application றா
1. Java is completely an 007 language. Java program starts with classes. App णा ‏دہ‎

+= ^~ १

⋅ नन + 1
1 ७५ क support for creating multiple threads multiple threads. It obviates the need for an OS-based Schedule

5. apne முடி These execute on an installed JVM (Java Virtual machine) on a Machine
Virtual ne takes Java byte codes in the input and runs on the given platform (೧೯೦೦೮೪
system and OS). [Virtual machine (VM) in embedded systems is stored at the ROM. | Therefore, len
codes can host on diverse platforms. Platform independence in hosting the compiled codes permit
Java for network applications. ۱

6. Platform independence gives portability with respect to the processor and OS used. Java is ‏بوعل عدم‎
as write once and run anywhere.

7. Javais the language for most Web applications for most Web applications and allows machines of different types to Communicate
on the Web.

8. Java is easier to [೧೩೯7 by a C++ programmer.

9. Java does not ച്ച inter manipulation instructions. So it is robust in the sense that memory leaks
and memory-related errors do not occur. A memory leak occurs, for example, when attempting to
write after the end of a bounded array.

10. Java does not permit dual way of object manipulation by value and reference. There are no struc.
enum, typedef and union. Java does not permit multiple inheritances. Java does not permit operator
overloading except for the ‘plus’ sign used for string concatenation.

5.7.3 Disadvantages of Java 37
Java has following disadvantages for embedded programming as follows:

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