Semester : SEMESTER 6
Subject : Embedded System
Year : 2018
Term : MARCH
Scheme : 2015 Full Time
Course Code : EC 308
Bil Lewis and Daniel J. Berg, Sun Microsystems Inc., 2000. The scheduler locking process for a task 1
Waits in a loop to cause the blocking of the running task first for a time interval t, then for (t - 60, then (t - 260)
and so on. When this time interval spin-downs to 0, the task that requested the lock of the processor now unlocks
the Tunning task / and blocks it from further running. The request is now granted to task ज to unlock and start
Tunning provided that task is of higher priority. A spin lock does not let a running task to be blocked instantly, but
first successively tries with or without decreasing the trial periods before finally blocking a task. A spin-lock
Viates need of context-switching by pre-emption and use of mutex function-calls to OS.
An OS provides the IPC functions for creating and accessing the resource using mutex for a process and to
Prevent the resource for the other processes. An OS may also provides for lock or spin-locks at the scheduler.