Semester : SEMESTER 6
Subject : Embedded System
Year : 2018
Term : MARCH
Scheme : 2015 Full Time
Course Code : EC 308
running and when reset to 1, the process is allowed to run],
[| Signals (messages) dispatch table [process [PC functions].
ட OS allocated resources‘descriptors (for example, file descriptors for open files, device
descriptors for open (accessible) devices, device-buffer addresses and status, socket
descriptor for open socket),and
[| Security restrictions and permissions.
— Conlexl Joads into the CPU registers from memory when process starts running, and the
registers save at the addresses of register-save area on the context switch to another process
[1 The present CPU registers, which include program counter and stack pointer
[| When context saves on the PCB pointed process_gtack and register-s ave area addresses,
then the running process stops.
[1 Other process context now loads and that process runs- This means that the context has
are called
Threads and Tasks Thread
[1 A thread consists of executable program (codes). sate of which is controlled by OS, -
‘| The state information sp -ead-status (running, blocked, or finished), thread structure—
its data, objects and a subset of the process resources, and thread-stack. Considered a
lightweight process and a process level controlled entity.[Light weight means its running
does not depend on system resources] .