Semester : SEMESTER 6
Subject : Embedded System
Year : 2018
Term : MARCH
Scheme : 2015 Full Time
Course Code : EC 308
(11) 1 starts from 0 and is +ve integer
An array at a memory block with one pointer for its
base, first element with index = 0. Data word can be
retrieved from any element by defining the pointer
and index
Vector (One Dimensional Array)
| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
` Marks [|] at a Memory Block سے
Base Address Marks [0] ے۔
Index i سے
Programming using functions and function queues
_ Use of multiple function calls in the main ( (
_ Use of multiple function calls in cyclic order
_ Use of pointer to a function
_ Use of function queues and
_ Use of the queues of the function pointers built by the ISRs.
It reduces significantly the ISR latency periods. Each device ISR is therefore able to execute
within its stipulated deadline
1.Multiple function calls 2. Multiple function calls in cyclic order Use
* One of the most common methods is the use of multiple function-calls in a cyclic order in
an infinite loop of the main ( ).
3. Use of function pointers
* sign when placed before the function name then it refers to all the compiled form of the
statements in the memory that are specified within the curly braces when declaring the
٠ A returning data type specification (fore xample, void) followed by'(*functionName)
(function Arguments)'calls the statements of thefunctionNameusing thefunctionArguments,
and on a return, it returns the specified data object. We can thus use the function pointer for
invoking a call to the function.