Course : B.Tech

Semester : SEMESTER 6

Year : 2018

Term : APRIL

Scheme : 2015 Full Time

Course Code : ME 306


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1) What do you mean by gyroscopic couple? Derive a relation for its magnitude. (4)

2) Discuss the gyroscopic effects on sea vessels. (3)

1)Explain in what way the gyroscopic couple affects the motion of an aircraft while
taking a turn. (3)
VI. 1) Explain the gyroscopic effect on four wheeled vehicles.


2) A four wheeled motor car of mass 2 tones has height of C.G of 60 cmm above ground
level. The engine parts and transmission are equivalent to flywheel of 80 kg with
radius of gyration of 15 cm and their axes coincide with axis of wheel. The car
negotiates acurve of 60cm radius at 72 km/hr with over all gear ratio 4:1. The radius
of road wheel is 30 cm and its 14.115 3 kg cm2. Assuming wheel track as 1.5 m, weight

distribution as 50:50, determine the reaction at each wheel. (7)

1) Define co efficient of fluctuation of energy (2)

2) Explain the balancing of a single rotating mass by a single mass rotating in the

same plane. (4)

3) Explain the following effects due to primary unbalanced for along the line of stroke.

i. Variation of tractive force ii. Swaying couple. (4)

VIII. A Shaft carries 5 masses, m1,m2,m3,m4 and m5 which revolve at same radius in planes
which are equal distant from one another. The magnitude of masses in plane, 1,3 ,4 are 50kg, 40
kg and 30 kg respectively. The position of masses 3 and 4 with respect to m1 are 600 and 1200
respectively. Determine the weight 2 and 5 and position with respect to plane in order to put the
shaft in complete rotary balance



IX. 1) Differentiate between viscous and coulomb damping.

a. Show that the ratio of two successive amplitudes of oscillations is a
constant in a

damped vibratory system. (3)
3) Explain beat phenomenon (2)
4) What is transmissibility? (2)

೫. 1) What do you mean by whirling of shafts? Explain.


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