Semester : SEMESTER 6
Subject : Object Oriented Programming
Year : 2018
Term : MARCH
Scheme : 2015 Full Time
Course Code : EC 312
Content Providers are used to share data between the applications.
Fragments are like parts of activity. An activity can display one or more fragments on the screen at the
It contains informations about activities, content providers, permissions etc. It is like the web.xml file
same time.
in Java EE.
Android Virtual Device (AVD)
It is used to test the android application without the need for mobile or tablet etc. It can be created in
different configurations to emulate different types of real devices.
Broadcast Receivers simply respond to broadcast messages from other
Tb. ‘lications or from the system itself. These messages are sometime called events or
snts. For example, applications can also initiate broadcasts to let other applications
×× that some data has been downloaded to the device and is available for them to
+ 50 this is broadcast receiver who will intercept this communication and will
iate appropriate action.
There are following two important steps to make BroadcastReceiver works for the system broadcasted intents —
* Creating the Broadcast Receiver.
٠ Registering Broadcast Receiver
There is one additional steps in case you are going to implement your custom intents then you will have to
create and broadcast those intents.
Creating the Broadcast Receiver