Semester : SEMESTER 3
Subject : Metallurgy & Materials Engineering
Year : 2017
Term : JULY
Scheme : 2015 Full Time
Course Code : ME 210
B3E086S Pages: 2
(Answer any FOUR questions)
9. a) Write short notes on stress concentration and stress raiser. (5) b)
Explain the Griffith theory of fracture. (5)
10. a) Sketch and explain the S-N curves for ferrous and nonferrous metals (5)
b) Explain the types of loading that causes fatigue failure. List the preventive
measures taken for reducing the risk of fatigue failure (5)
11. a) Explain Ductile to Brittle Transition Temperature. List the factors affecting this
phenomenon. (5)
b) Define Fracture toughness. (5)
12. a) Sketch creep curve and explain different stages of creep. (5)
b) What are the steps to be taken to prevent creep failure? (5)
13. a) Give two examples for ceramic materials. Explain the properties of ceramic
materials? (5)
b) Explain the classifications of Composite materials. (5)
14. Write short notes on:
a) Smart materials (5)
b) Bio Materials (5)
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