Semester : SEMESTER 3
Subject : Fluid Mechanics– I
Year : 2017
Term : JULY
Scheme : 2015 Full Time
Course Code : CE 203
B3C032S Pages: 3
b. Show that u= 3x+y and v= 2x-3y are the velocity components of a fluid flow. Also find
the circulation around a rectangle A(-2 , 0), B(2,0) , C(2, 2), D(-2 , 2) (8)
A pipe diameter changes from 0.5m to Im ina length of 0.785m*/s flows from 0.5m diameter
section towards 1m diameter section. Determine the convective acceleration at 0.3m from
the entrance. If the discharge is increased from 0.785m*/s to 1.570m*/s 1210 seconds,
determine the total acceleration at the exit. (15)
Answer any two full questions.
a. Water under pressure of 4x 10° N/m? is flowing through a pipe at the rate of 0.25m’/s. If
the pipe is bent such that the internal angle between the two limbs of the bend is 135°, find
the magnitude and direction of the resultant force on the bend. (10)
b. What is Cippoletti weir? Show how the effect of end contraction is compensated in a
Cippoletti weir. (5)
A rectangular tank resting on ground is filled with water for a depth of 10m. There are two
orifices on the side of the tank, one at 2m below the water surface and the other at a height
of y from the bottom. The water jets coming out of the two orifices strike on the
3X ⋅ ⋅
≞⊺∘∎∙⇂⋯↥≲⋃∁∤⊔↾⊐∂⇂⊻⋮ > as shown in the figure. Find the value of y
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