Course : B.Tech

Semester : S1 and S2

Year : 2019


Scheme : 2015 Full Time

Course Code : BE 103


PDF Text (Beta):

E 4192012 Pages: 4

7 al) ‘Are social and technological changes needed for making a sustainable (2)
society’; Justify your answer
a2) What is the concept of industrial ecology? Give an example of a recent (3)

bl) Why “Pollution prevention” is always better than “pollution reduction”? (5)

8 al) Draw the layout of an industrial park in which industries are selected such (2)
that the wastes or byproducts of one become the raw materials for another.

a2) Mention both the product and by-product/waste of each industry and how (3)
they are useful to another industry or industries

bl) ‘People move to cities to get better quality of life’; Is this statement (5)
correct? Substantiate your answer with minimum 5 reasons.
(Read the Stories/Cases/Data set as the case may be, and answer all questions, each
full question carries 10 marks.)
Stories/Cases/Data set - 1
(Stories/Cases/Data set)

CDM project in Kolar District, India Providing rural households with low-cost energy services
The Bagepalli CDM Biogas Project involves the construction of approximately 5,500 two-cubic-
metre capacity biogas digesters in households in the area (“Taluk”) of Bagepalli and other nearby
Taluks in the Kolar District, Karnataka, India. The digesters, which utilise the dung of household
cows, produce methane gas from the anaerobic breakdown of organic waste. The resulting
methane is used as a cooking fuel in biogas stoves built in the dwellings. This replaces inefficient
wood-burning mud stoves that were traditionally used for cooking and to produce hot water. It is
a particularly critical technology for the area because of widespread deforestation due to
firewood collection, and increasing shortages of wood for fuel in the area. An average dwelling
has five occupants, meaning that nearly 30,000 people will benefit from the scheme.

Module I
9 a) What are the main objectives of CDM? (3)
0) का connection with CDM, explain carbon credit. (3)

९) Elucidate the benefits of the project in terms of three pillars of sustainability. (4)
Stories/Cases/Data set - 2
(Stories/Cases/Data set)

Improper Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) disposal and management causes all types of pollution:
air, soil, and water. Indiscriminate dumping of wastes contaminates surface and ground water
supplies. In urban areas, MSW clogs drains, creating stagnant water for insect breeding and
floods during rainy seasons. Uncontrolled burning of MSW and improper incineration
contributes significantly to urban air pollution. Greenhouse gases are generated from the
decomposition of organic wastes in landfills, and untreated leachate pollutes surrounding soil and
water bodies. Health and safety issues also arise from improper MSW Management. Insect and
rodent vectors are attracted to the waste and can spread diseases such as cholera and dengue
fever. Using water polluted by MSW for bathing, food, irrigation and drinking water can also
expose individuals to disease organisms and other contaminants. The U.S. Public Health Service
identified 22 human diseases that are linked to improper MSWM. Waste worker and pickers in

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