Course : B.Tech

Semester : S1 and S2

Year : 2017


Scheme : 2015 Full Time

Course Code : BE 103


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E E7125

b) What are the challenges that we face to develop renewable sources in India? (3)

a) List the different sources that continues to the item renewable in the above data (2)

Stories/Cases/Data set - 6
(Stories/Cases/Data set)
Industrial Ecology In Practice
Kalundborg, Denmark
The exchange of 'wastes' between independent firms in some sectors has been taking place for
over a century, simply because it makes good business sense. The establishment of ‘industrial
ecosystems,’ however, is a relatively new phenomenon, with the best known example being
located in Kalundborg, Denmark. There, an industrial ecosystem has been established which
involves an oil refinery, a gyproc factory, a pharmaceutical firm, a fish farm, a coal-fired
electrical power station and the municipality of Kalundborg, among others. At Kalundborg,
steam and various raw materials such as sulfur, fly ash and sludge are exchanged in what is the
world's most elaborate industrial ecosystem. Participating firms each benefit economically from
reduce costs for waste disposal, improved efficiencies of resource use and improved
environmental performance. For example, gas captured from the oil refinery which had
previously been flared off is now sent to the electrical power station which expects to save the
equivalent of 30,000 tons of coal a year.
Module VI

14 a) Based on above story explain your ideas about industrial ecology.
b) Can we implement industrial ecology in India? Substantiate your answer.
c) Differentiate industrial ecology and industrial symbiosis with examples.

d) List four set of industries were we can implement industrial symbiosis.
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