University of Calicut Previous Years Question Paper & Answer

University : University of Calicut
Course : B.Sc

Semester : SEMESTER 4

Subject : Electrodynamics II

Year : 2022

Term : APRIL

Branch : PHYSICS

Scheme : 2020 Full Time

Course Code : PHY 4B 04


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2 C 21551

Section B

Answer at least five questions.

Each question carries 5 marks.

All questions can be attended.
Overall Ceiling 25.

Obtain an expression for the energy stored in a magnetic field due to a current.
Write down the integral forms of Maxwell’s equations and explain the terms involved.

Prove that for a plane monochromatic wave, the Poynting vector is the energy density times the

velocity of the wave.

Give the fundamental laws of geometrical optics considering the reflection and transmission of
electromagnetic waves at a boundary separating two linear media.

A circuit consists of a non-inductive resistance of 50 Q, an inductance of 0.3 H anda resistance of
2 ೧ and a capacitor of 40 uF in series and is supplied with 200 V at 50 Hz. Find the impedance of
the circuit.

An alternating voltage of 10 V at 100 Hz is applied to a choke of inductance 5 H and resistance
200 ©. Determine the power factor of the coil.

For the circuit shown below, find the currents flowing in all branches and the voltage across the

6 Q resistor using superposition theorem.

(5 x 5 = 25 marks)


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