Semester : SEMESTER 4
Subject : Electrodynamics II
Year : 2022
Term : APRIL
Branch : PHYSICS
Scheme : 2020 Full Time
Course Code : PHY 4B 04
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APRIL 2022
Physics/Applied Physics
(2019 Admission onwards)
Time: Two Hours Maximum : 60 Marks
Section A
Answer at least eight questions.
Each question carries 3 marks.
All questions can be attended.
Overall Ceiling 24.
1. Explain Ohm’s law. Discuss the terms involved.
What do you mean by the term displacement current ? Give an expression for the same.
3. Illustrate the symmetry of Maxwell’s equations for E and B in the absence of the charge and
current density terms.
What is Poynting vector ? Give an expression for the same.
Give the wave equation for the magnetic field vector B in free space and explain the terms involved.
Write down the expression for the speed of the wave.
6. What do you mean by a monochromatic plane wave ? Give its general form.
7. Write down the boundary conditions for the magnetic field vector B at an interface separating two
linear media of permittivities ¢; and e. and permeabilities 1, and po.
8. Distinguish between initiation and transition transient currents.
What do you mean by wattles current ?
10. Give Kirchhof’s mesh law.
11. What are the features of an ideal constant voltage source ?
12. What is reciprocity theorem ?
(8 x 3 = 24 marks)
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