Semester : SEMESTER 5
Subject : Informatics
Year : 2016
Branch : English with Islamic History
Scheme : 2015 Full Time
Course Code : ENG 5B 04
7 Cryptography is used for
(a) Privacy. (b) Safety.
(c) Copyright purpose. (d) All of the above.
8 The first six letters on a modern keyboard reads.
9 Project Gutenberg is an example of
(a) Computer application. (b) Virtual university.
(c) Digital library. (d) Online bookstall.
10 Pick the odd one out: |
(a) Dotmatrix printer. (b) Mouse.
(c) Speaker. (त) Laser printer.
(10 > 1 = 101
Il. Answer any ten questions in two or three sentences each :
11 Define Informatics.
12 Explain the significance of RAM.
13. Give a brief account of different type of earphones.
14 State the significance of cryptography.
15 What are the different image file formats ?
16 Define a modem and give its function.
17 How does an impact printer work ?
18 How does a search engine work ?
19 What are virtual libraries ?
20 Explain the tern ‘hacking’ giving some examples
21 What is Bluetooth ?
22 What is a Blog ?
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