University of Calicut Previous Years Question Paper & Answer

University : University of Calicut
Course : B.Sc

Semester : SEMESTER 5

Year : 2020



Scheme : 2020 Full Time

Course Code : BCS 5B 09


PDF Text (Beta):

2 D 90140

14. Explain the difference between GET and POST മിയി in PHP.
15. Explain the functions of pg_num_rows() and pg_affected_rows() methods in PostgreSQL. |
(4 x 4 = 16 marks)
Section C

Answer at least four questions.

Each question carries 7 marks.

All questions can be attended.
Overall Ceiling 28.

16. Describe inline and internal style sheet.
17. Give an account on client-side and server-side scripting languages.
18. Explain how function can be written in JavaScript with example.
19. State and explain different types of statements in JavaScript.
20. Explain about various string handling functions in PHP.
_ 21. Explain about different data types in PostgreSQL.
22. With suitable example explain numeric and associative arrays in PHP. + 38
23. Explain the steps for executing PostgreSQL statements in PHP.
ಕೆ (4 x 7 = 28 marks)
Section D

Answer any two questions.
Each question carries 13. marks.

24. Explain the types of lists supported by HTML and describe them in detail with examples.
25. Describe any five event handling methods in Java Script.
26. Describe the Date object in Java Script with its properties and methods.

27. Create a web page and PHP script to insert the details of student (Name, Age, Branch, Semester,
Username and Password) to a database named studentinfo and table named registration.

28. Write down an HTML form and PHP file that contain the code for uploading a file.
(2 x 13 = 26 marks)

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