Semester : SEMESTER 3
Subject : Electronic Circuits
Year : 2017
Scheme : 2015 Full Time
Course Code : EC 205
Explain Miller’s theorem.
Discuss the variation of input and output resistance on voltage series and current
shunt feedback.
Draw the circuit of a cascode amplifier and briefly explain its features.
Explain the working of an astable multivibrator circuit with a neat circuit diagram
Answer any two full questions, each carries 20 marks.
and waveforms. Derive an expression for period of oscillation.
For the circuit shown, Ipss= 5൩൧, gmo = 2500൮5. If Rs = 82042, what is Ip, Ves
and Vps.
For a series fed class A amplifier, Rg 511९, Rc =20Q and Vcc = 20V. 8 for BJT is
25. Calculate the input power, output power and conversion efficiency for an input
ഹ് GND
voltage resulting in a base current of 10mA peak.
Derive expressions for voltage gain and output resistance for a common source
amplifier with source bypassed using small signal model in mid frequency.
Compare Class A, Class B and Class AB power amplifiers.
Explain the working of bootstrap circuit with a neat circuit diagram and waveforms.
Prove that the conversion efficiency of Class B amplifier is 78.5%.
With a neat circuit diagram, explain how output voltage can be regulated by using
series feedback voltage regulator. How short circuit protection can be implemented
in this?
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